Quiz for Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression (PPD), sometimes known as perinatal depression, is a serious mood disorder that affects approximately 15% of new mothers. PPD has no particular cause or set of singular symptoms, and it affects each woman differently, so it can be hard to identify early on.
Whether you are thinking of becoming pregnant, are currently pregnant, or have recently given birth, there are ways to help predict if you are at risk of developing postpartum depression. You can also request a postpartum depression screening from your primary care doctor or qualified mental health professional.
Official postpartum depression tests such as the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) are screening tools healthcare professionals use to assess a woman’s level of PPD. However, a self-test can give you a good start—especially for new moms concerned that their “baby blues” might be more intense or long-lasting.
Below is a helpful questionnaire you can take to tell if you may be at risk for developing postpartum depression.
Answer “yes” or “no” to all of the following questions that apply to you.
Personal Mental Health History
The following are questions about your mental health information and experiences. You can roughly gauge your risk of developing postpartum depression by answering these questions.
- Do you have a history of bipolar disorder, psychosis, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or any other mental illness?
- Have you ever experienced physical or emotional trauma such as rape, assault, a car accident, or another incident?
- Have you ever been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
- Have you ever been treated for anxiety and/or depression?
- Have you ever suffered from anxiety or depression that went undiagnosed or untreated?
Family Mental Health History
Genetics and family history play a significant role in dictating your mental and physical health. The following questions will help you assess your risk for developing postpartum depression by looking at your family’s mental health history.
- Has anyone in your family been diagnosed with a mental health issue such as bipolar disorder, psychosis, OCD, or any other mental illness?
- Has anyone in your family experienced physical or emotional trauma such as rape, assault, car accident, or another incident?
- Has anyone in your family been diagnosed and treated for PTSD?
- Has anyone in your family received treatment for depression and/or anxiety?
- Has anyone in your family struggled with depression or anxiety that went undiagnosed or untreated?
- Have any women in your family suffered from postpartum depression, diagnosed or undiagnosed?
Personal Pregnancy History
Research has shown that women with a history of stressful pregnancies, childbirths, or previous postpartum depression are more likely to develop postpartum depression.
Based on your pregnancy history, the following questions will assess your risk for developing postpartum depression. These questions may not apply to everyone.
- Have you ever experienced traumatic childbirth that may have involved an unplanned C-section, the use of forceps, or your baby being placed in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)?
- Have you previously had a miscarriage, stillbirth, or other complicated pregnancies?
- Have you ever had symptoms of postpartum depression with a previous pregnancy?
Current Life Stressors
Health experts feel that women facing challenging life situations are at a greater risk of developing postpartum depression.
If you are currently pregnant, the following questions will help assess your risk of developing postpartum depression.
- Was your pregnancy unplanned or unwanted?
- Are you unmarried?
- Are you currently without family or social support?
- Are you currently facing financial hardship?
- Have you experienced a challenging life event in the past year, such as a job loss, divorce, the death of a friend or family member, or bankruptcy?
Current Postpartum Experience
If you have recently given birth, there are risk factors that could bring on postpartum depression over the next several months.
Please answer the following questions about your current postpartum experience to determine if you have or are at risk of developing postpartum depression.
- Did you experience any prenatal anxiety or depression for which you received treatment?
- Are you currently facing relationship or marriage problems?
- Are you facing struggles as you care for your new baby (such as health complications in you or the baby or difficulty consoling your child)?
- Are you having difficulty breastfeeding?
- Are you sleep-deprived and fatigued?
- Are you experiencing weight loss and loss of appetite?
- Are you not coping with life stresses as well as usual?
- Are you regularly exhibiting any of the following symptoms:
- Strong feelings of guilt and shame
- Extreme sadness and crying
- Anxiety and worry
- Irritability and frustration
- Fear of harming your baby
- Suicidal thoughts
Review more common postpartum depression symptoms.
Assessing Your Risk of Postpartum Depression
All of the above questions ask about known risk factors for postpartum depression.
If you answered “yes” to many of the above questions, you could be at risk of developing postpartum depression.
Your answers to these questions should not be considered a clinical diagnosis but a starting point for you as you move forward.
Consult with your doctor for a formal diagnosis of postpartum depression and a treatment plan.
Discussing your risk factors and medical history with your doctor is vital. Healthy family planning also includes examining the potential risks of postpartum depression with your loved ones and your partner.
By knowing that you could develop postpartum depression, you and your health care providers can take preventative action before and after pregnancy.
Treating Postpartum Depression
The good news is that even if you develop postpartum depression, you aren’t alone and have many treatment options.
Treatment of PPD often involves a good amount of psychiatry, including therapy and potentially a prescription for antidepressants. Doctors may also refer you to a PPD support group (e.g., Postpartum Support International) so that you can enjoy support from other new moms dealing with PPD.